
Congress bursaries for early-career researchers

Early-career researchers presenting their work at the 2024 FEBS Congress may be eligible to apply for a FEBS or SIB bursary to support their participation. Read on!

There are two bursary schemes for the 48th FEBS Congress offered to support participation of eligible early-career scientists from the FEBS area submitting an abstract to the Congress as first author.

For full eligibility criteria, information on what the bursary supports, and details of how to apply, follow the links below:

  • FEBS Bursaries: these are for early-career scientists from FEBS countries other than Italy (Europe and some bordering countries with a FEBS Constituent Society); for more information, click here. The application deadline is March 8, 2024.
  • SIB Bursaries: these are for young scientists in Italy who are members of the Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SIB); for more information, click here. The application deadline is February 1, 2024.

FEBS has twin commitments to high-quality publications and the promotion of molecular biosciences. As a charitable academic organization,
FEBS uses income from the journals to fund its diverse activities, including support for the FEBS Congress.