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Programme Introduction

In addition to hosting several plenary lectures from worldwide research leaders, including four Nobel laureates, the 48th FEBS Congress will cover a broad range of fundamental and emerging molecular and cellular life science topics arranged through 32 parallel sessions.

Of these parallel sessions, 'Symposia' will be grouped within four main themes: Biochemistry is Key for Life Sciences, Environmental Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Human Well-being, and Biochemistry in Health and Diseases. Each symposium session (lasting 2 hours) will host lectures by two invited speakers; additional speakers will be selected for symposia talks from the submitted abstracts. Furthermore, several speed talks will also be picked from submitted abstracts for speed talk sessions. This organization will foster the presentation of top-notch subjects and latest developments, as well as applied and technological research, from the international community.

Additionally, 'Special Sessions' (focusing on, for example, Biochemical Education, Science and Society, and Private and Public Funds in Translational Research) and Sessions specifically managed by Young Scientists (on "Biosensors" and "Biochemistry of drug repurposing") will be also hosted. 

Last but not least, posters will make an important contribution to the knowledge exchange and networking at the event, and the programme will include poster presentation sessions arranged by topic. 

Main Symposia

Biochemistry is key for life sciences

  • Methods and progress in structural biology
  • Translational proteomics
  • New insights into cell organelles
  • Long ncRNA and microRNA networks
  • Post-translational modification of membrane proteins
  • G-protein coupled receptor-mediated nutrient sensing
  • Redox biochemistry
  • Liquid–liquid phase separation
  • Biosensors

Environmental biotechnology

  • Cutting edge approaches for sustainable and environmental biotechnology
  • Bio-based polymers for engineered 'green' materials
  • Biochemical strategies for cultural heritage
  • Enzyme engineering: the future is now
  • Towards sustainable use of natural and renewable resources
  • Marine biochemistry

Biochemistry and human well-being

  • Biochemistry of physical activity and health
  • Functional foods and human health
  • Impacts of climate change on nutrition and health

Biochemistry in health and diseases

  • Genome editing and gene therapy
  • Cancer epigenome and transcriptome
  • Enzymes and cell therapies
  • Targeting metabolism in cancer
  • Digital twins for precision medicine
  • The D-side in health: D-amino acids in pathological states
  • From brain molecules to brain functions and diseases
  • Biochemistry of drug repurposing

For information on abstract submission topics, see the list here

FEBS has twin commitments to high-quality publications and the promotion of molecular biosciences. As a charitable academic organization,
FEBS uses income from the journals to fund its diverse activities, including support for the FEBS Congress.