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Poster Guidelines

Attended poster presentations

Posters will be hung all day on the Sunday, Monday or Tuesday of the FEBS Congress (in the Exhibition Area) according to the list of topics by day below.

The attended poster sessions – where presenters will be by posters to explain and discuss their work with those interested – will be between 14:00 and 15:30 on these days. We encourage you to support all presenters at the event with active and friendly engagement in the poster sessions.

Please note that in this 90 min presentation period, to facilitate circulation within a topic there will be an odd–even number split of presentations: poster presenters whose posters have an odd number in the last part (suffix) of their notation (e.g. P-02-001, P-02-003) should be at their poster in the first 45 min of the session (14:00–14:45), whereas poster presenters whose posters have an even number in the last part of their notation (e.g. P-03-002, P-03-004) should be at their poster in the second 45 min of the session (14:45–15:30).

Poster presentation topics by day

Sunday 30th June

Monday 1st July Tuesday 2nd July
  • Advanced methods of structural biology
  • Proteomics and metabolomics
  • Cutting edge approaches for sustainable and environmental biotechnology 
  • Bio-based polymers for engineered "green" materials
  • Clinical trials, preclinical studies and basic research related to physical activity
  • Epigenome and transcriptome
  • Molecular basis of diseases – part A
  • Enzyme and cell therapies (medicinal biochemistry)
  • Immunobiochemistry
  • Other topics
  • Undergraduate teaching/learning
  • Postgraduate teaching/learning
  • Integrative structural biology approaches
  • Understanding of well-being homeostasis: the role of physical activity
  • Molecular mechanisms of functional foods and their bioactive compounds
  • Protein post-translational modifications and turnover
  • Membrane biochemistry
  • Cancer and metabolism
  • Cancer biochemistry
  • Protein phase separation and new organelles
  • Redox biochemistry
  • Cellular organelles
  • Towards sustainable use of natural and renewable resources
  • Enzyme engineering and biotechnology
  • Nutraceuticals effects on cell metabolism and chronic diseases
  • Long ncRNA and microRNA networks
  • Biosensors
  • Bioinformatics and AI for precision medicine
  • Gene editing technologies to treat diseases and disorders
  • G-protein coupled receptors
  • Biochemistry for drug repurposing
  • Molecular basis of diseases – part B
  • Neurobiochemistry
  • D-amino acids and pathological states
  • Impacts of climate change on nutrition and health
  • Marine biochemistry

Poster notations

Your poster reference for the event is available in the Congress website's registration/abstract system: if you preview your accepted abstract after logging in you will see your poster notation under the abstract title. Close to the time of the event you will also find poster notations via the Abstract Search tool on the website and on the Congress mobile app.

The middle part of your abstract notation (e.g. 02 in the notation P-02-003) corresponds to a Congress poster topic, as set out below. 

Poster topic numbers

01   Advanced methods of structural biology
02   Integrative structural biology approaches
03   Proteomics and metabolomics
04   Long ncRNA and microRNA networks
05   Protein post-translational modifications and turnover
06   Protein phase separation and new organelles
07   Cutting edge approaches for sustainable and environmental biotechnology
08   Bio-based polymers for engineered "green" materials
09   Towards sustainable use of natural and renewable resources
11   Marine biochemistry
12   Clinical trials, preclinical studies and basic research related to physical activity
13   Understanding of well-being homeostasis: the role of physical activity
14   Molecular mechanisms of functional foods and their bioactive compounds
15   Nutraceuticals effects on cell metabolism and chronic diseases
16   Impacts of climate change on nutrition and health
17   Membrane biochemistry
18   Cellular organelles
19   Redox biochemistry

20   Enzyme engineering and biotechnology
21   Enzyme and cell therapies (medicinal biochemistry)
22   D-amino acids and pathological states
24   Gene editing technologies to treat diseases and disorders
25   Epigenome and transcriptome
26   Cancer and metabolism
27   Cancer biochemistry
28   Bioinformatics and AI for precision medicine
29   G-protein coupled receptors
30   Neurobiochemistry
31   Immunobiochemistry
32   Molecular basis of diseases - Part A
33   Biosensors
34   Biochemistry for drug repurposing
35   Other topics
36   Molecular basis of diseases - Part B
E-01 Undergraduate teaching/learning
E-02 Postgraduate teaching/learning

Preparing your poster

Posters will be displayed in portrait format.
The dimensions of the poster should be 84,1 cm x 118,9 cm (in A0 format). 
Abstract title, author(s) and affiliation(s) should appear at the top of the poster.
The content should be readable from a distance of 2 m.
Posters can be attached to the laminated panel with double-sided tape.

Poster printing

Please print your poster before arrival; we do not offer the possibility to print onsite. If you require contact details for local printing offices, please email the Congress Secretariat at febs2024.speakers@aimgroup.eu.

Online posters on the Congress app

To facilitate dissemination of your poster presentation we also encourage you to upload a poster PDF with an audio description on the Congress app. This optional opportunity will allow Congress participants more time to browse posters, and there are tools on the app to make contact with poster presenters for questions or to arrange a chat outside of the dedicated sessions at the venue. Full details on how to upload your poster to the app are being sent to all poster presenters on 21–22 June 2024.

Finding and viewing posters

Accepted abstracts will be available online just prior to the conference on the Congress website (via the Abstract Search tool), the Congress app, and, if submitted by the March deadline, the FEBS Open Bio supplement of abstracts, to enable participants to comfortably decide which posters to visit. This will be explained in more detail in a 'Latest news' post nearer the time of the event.

Mounting and removing your poster

The poster area will be open from 07:30 on the Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of the event for mounting of posters.
Posters should be displayed on the board number corresponding to the abstract notation in the Congress web and app no later than 08:15 on the day for their poster topic, and be removed between 18:30 and 19:00 that day; if a poster is not removed, it will be disposed of by staff at the venue.
Mounting materials will be available at the registration poster desk. Please direct your queries to the poster desk.

Poster prizes

Poster prizes for outstanding scientific posters at the Congress will be awarded each day by The FEBS JournalFEBS LettersMolecular Oncology and FEBS Open Bio, with the daily prize-winners shortlisted for overall prizes to be announced during the closing ceremony. See the news post here for more details. 

FEBS has twin commitments to high-quality publications and the promotion of molecular biosciences. As a charitable academic organization,
FEBS uses income from the journals to fund its diverse activities, including support for the FEBS Congress.