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Visa requirements

All non-Italian nationals entering Italy must provide valid travel documentation. Delegates who hold neither an EU passport nor a Schengen visa should check as soon as possible the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website to see if they require a visa to enter Italy, as visa applications can take as long as 120 days. Visa regulations depend on your nationality and country of origin (visit https://vistoperitalia.esteri.it/home/en  for more information). For the most updated information regarding visa requirements, we suggest you contact your local consulate for full and official instructions on the specific visa regulations and application procedures that apply to you.

If a visa is required, delegates should apply to the Italian Diplomatic and Consular Representations in their country of residence with the documents outlined on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website.  An invitation letter to the Congress may be downloaded online from your registration account on this website. However, if a guarantee letter is needed to support your VISA application, MiCo dmc (febs2024.hotel@micodmc.it) can assist you.  Presentation of the requested documentation does not guarantee that the visa will be issued. Please note that the VISA guarantee letter will only be available to participants who have paid their reservation registration fee.

Please note that FEBS, SIB and AIM will not be able to contact or intervene with any Embassy or Consulate office on behalf of a registrant. The invitation letter does not financially or legally obligate FEBS, SIB nor AIM in any way. All expenses incurred in relation to the event and to obtaining a visa are the sole responsibility of the registrant. FEBS, SIB and AIM do not accept any responsibility for registration, travel, accommodation and/or other costs incurred due to the rejection of a registrant’s visa application.

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