
Get ready for your FEBS 2024 poster presentation!

Got a query about your poster? Check our poster FAQs.

You can find all the details about preparing your poster and about poster presentation sessions on the Poster guidelines webpage. We also summarise a few key points here:

Where can I find my poster notation?

Log in to your participant account on the Congress website and preview your abstract, and then you will see the notation under the abstract title. For most posters it will look something like P-02-001 where the middle digits are related to the topic, and the final numbers distinguish posters within the topic. Late-breaking posters instead start with LB, and speed talk posters with SpT.

At the time of the event, you will also find poster notations via the Abstract Search tool on the website and on the Congress mobile app.

When am I presenting my poster?

You can find a timetable of the poster topics by day (Sunday, Monday or Tuesday) on the Poster guidelines webpage. You need to mount your poster by 08:15 on the day for your poster topic and remove it at the end of the day by 19:00. For the poster presentation sessions, the time you should be at your poster is 14:00-14:45 if your poster notation ends with an odd number, and 14:45-15:30 if it ends with an even number. This odd–even split is to aid circulation within a topic.

I am giving a speed talk. Is it correct that I also need to bring a poster?

Yes. Speed talks are 3 minutes long and are like an advert for your poster. You will need to be present your data in more detail in a poster and people will be able to meet you at your poster and ask questions.

I read you can upload posters to the Congress app. When can we do that?

All poster presenters will receive a guide to uploading their poster pdf to the Congress app a week or so before the event when the app is available to download. You will also be able to easily add an audio description about your poster if you wish, using tools on the poster upload dashboard. Uploading of your poster to the Congress app is optional, but it is encouraged as it will give Congress participants more time to browse posters, and there are tools on the app to make contact with poster presenters for questions or to arrange a chat outside of the dedicated sessions at the venue.

I am going to the FEBS YSF in Pavia. Do I present the same poster at the Congress?

Yes, that is correct. Note, however, that the YSF will use its own numbering system for posters at the YSF.

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